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Tao Restaurant and Club

Krakow, Poland
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Dolne Młyny (Lower Mills) is an unusual area in Krakow, located in an old tobacco factory and for decades forgotten and abandoned. In the last few years however it has been redeveloped and has become the new center for socializing in Krakow. The Tao Restaurant & Club is a unique venue in the Dolne Młyny, where Asian dishes are served and various events with DJs performances are held. Recently the Studio Pro company made a sound reinforcement installation based on Biamp equipment at Tao. 

"While choosing the products, we were guided by functionality of the devices, sound quality, reasonable price and what the client cared about most - the appearance of the speaker sets. After the presentation and listening of  several products from different manufacturers, the customer decided to choose the Biamp products ", says Michał Szybiak from the Studio Pro. "Thanks to the thoughtful placement of the speakers and the appropriate system configuration, we have obtained the even sound coverage in virtually every place of the premises and also the previously assumed visual effect." 
Do you have a Biamp installation solution you want to share?

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1. Your full contact information
  • Your company name and address (include country), website url, etc
  • Your first and last name, job title, email address, contact phone number (address if different)

2. Where the Biamp solution was installed:
  • Customer's company name, address/location (city, state, country).

3. List the Biamp products installed (include product name/sku and each quantity).

4. Briefly explain the business problem you and the Biamp products used in the solution.

5. Please include any photos/images we can post on our public website.

6. Email the information to us here.