Biamp products can be found in a variety of installations around the globe. Learn more about how our solutions enhance venue types of all kinds below.

*Have an amazing installation story to share? Click here and find out what information to include and how to send it to us.

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Pod Restaurant

London, United Kingdom
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Pod restaurants have evolved from 2005 with one outlet in London to now having 23 stores serving healthy food and drinks to the office crown in the daytime and people relaxing in the evening. Biamp has been chosen in the stores to provide high quality background music for the discerning customer base. 
Do you have a Biamp installation solution you want to share?

Take a few minutes to tell us about your amazing installation with Biamp products.
All it takes is an email


1. Your full contact information
  • Your company name and address (include country), website url, etc
  • Your first and last name, job title, email address, contact phone number (address if different)

2. Where the Biamp solution was installed:
  • Customer's company name, address/location (city, state, country).

3. List the Biamp products installed (include product name/sku and each quantity).

4. Briefly explain the business problem you and the Biamp products used in the solution.

5. Please include any photos/images we can post on our public website.

6. Email the information to us here.