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Makro Cash and Carry

Warsaw, Poland
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In the Makro Cash and Carry in Warsaw an audiovisual installation has been installed that allows Makro customers to view culinary presentations performed by the best chefs. At the opening party, it was possible to see how Mr Grzegorz Łapanowski, known from the Top Chef television show, does cooking. After each presentation, one can of course try whether the prepared dishes taste just as good as they looked on the screen. In addition to culinary presentations, there are demonstrations performed in a food truck. Here, the AV installation also helps to take a closer look at the secrets of cooking. 

The installation uses reliable and versatile MASK6T-BL loudspeakers, REVAMP2120T and 1120T series amplifiers, PM1122 preamplifier, PCR3000RmkIII large format player and wireless headset with microphones. We invite you to Makro for shopping and for demonstrations of great-looking and tasty dishes, accompanied by the sound from the Biamp installation. 
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1. Your full contact information
  • Your company name and address (include country), website url, etc
  • Your first and last name, job title, email address, contact phone number (address if different)

2. Where the Biamp solution was installed:
  • Customer's company name, address/location (city, state, country).

3. List the Biamp products installed (include product name/sku and each quantity).

4. Briefly explain the business problem you and the Biamp products used in the solution.

5. Please include any photos/images we can post on our public website.

6. Email the information to us here.