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Die Kletterei

Kaufering, Germany
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The Bavarian market town of Kaufering, near to Munich, Germany has had an indoor climbing and bouldering hall Die Kletterei since September 2017. 

The state-of-the-art facility is used by recreational and professional climbers alike who find optimal training conditions here. In addition to the separate climbing and bouldering halls and a 15m high outdoor climbing wall, Die Kletterei offers a multi-level children's play area, connected café/restaurant and two seminar rooms. The facility gave some challenges because of the high ceiling height an multi zone requirements. Biamp products were chosen due to their flexibility for the designer, ability to cover all spaces in one product range and excellent value for money. MASK4CT and MASK6CT cabinet loudspeakers were chosen for the children's play area, café/restaurant and seminar rooms whilst MASK12T cabinets are installed in the large climbing space. REVAMP amplifiers drive the loudspeakers from a multizone AUDIOCONTROL12.8 preamplifier with paging facilities. PMR4000RMKII and PCR3000RMKIII offer multiple music sources for the zones in the system. 
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1. Your full contact information
  • Your company name and address (include country), website url, etc
  • Your first and last name, job title, email address, contact phone number (address if different)

2. Where the Biamp solution was installed:
  • Customer's company name, address/location (city, state, country).

3. List the Biamp products installed (include product name/sku and each quantity).

4. Briefly explain the business problem you and the Biamp products used in the solution.

5. Please include any photos/images we can post on our public website.

6. Email the information to us here.